Awaken Your Feminine Essence!

The beauty that lies within

Yes! I choose me!

Your tribe of Chica's!

The secret to embracing your Feminine Essence is not in another strategy or thing to DO, it's in the coming together of a million harmonizing feminine souls ready to amplify each other's voice into a world-shifting symphony!

The Powerful Tender Warrior Chica mastermind enrollment is open for a limited time.

Like you, we’ve savored stolen moments of strength, beauty, and confidence living with the tough standards that society has placed on us.

The world is aching. She waits for daughters to link tethered bring divided hearts banned from beating as one. As the creators, we are destined to Lead with Authenticity, Vibrancy, and Love.

But too often fear of rejection mutes our soul’s fullest expression, So we only shine safely within smaller spotlights, avoiding the risk of reprisal or ridicule on bigger stages.

What if together we transmuted fears still suppressing the totality of our power and strength into launching pads for mutual Rising instead?

Introducing Tender Warrior Chica's Power Mastermind...A sacred container for trail-blazing feminine entrepreneurs and high achievers to lock arms and manifest visionary passions into reality.

Why Now?

You have been living with this inside you and it has been weighing you down. You know this masculine mask is not who you are but you don't know how to put it down. I see you. This is your opportunity to free yourself from the incongruence of living outside of your core essence. The world cannot afford business-as-usual for one moment longer.

Now is the hour when sisterhoods anchored in radical self-love, embodiment, and intuition, reclaim spiritual authority to steer collective shipwrecks back on course.

You can finally be witness to the powerful version of you that has been hidden under your fear. It wasn't your fault. Its time. The leaders of tomorrow are the women who are willing to stand up with Fierce love and bold determination and reclaim our power in Femininity.

Here are some of the amazing benefits...

* Weekly Q&A calls to consistently have support throughout your unveiling

* Tools on how to Breakdown the Heart Armor that has you living through many masks that aren't the real you

* Lifelong bonds, collaborative opportunities and paradigm-shifting feminine Leadership models

* Tips on how to Release those that hurt you and take back your power

* Harness the Power of the authentic you and own the essence of who you really are without apology

* Small Group coaching circles harnessing Sister energy to dedicated awakening

* Motivate a chica - Posts and motivation to keep you going!

* Opportunities to dive into deeper healing work

* And so much more....

Your dedicated Host

I am a certified Master Peak Performance & Transformation Coach with additional master’s certifications in Meditation,

HeartMath Facilitator, Reiki Practitioner,

Domestic Violence Counselor and Sales Mastery. I have coached thousands of high-performance people from all walks of life and various parts of the world who have achieved success and the highest level of fulfillment.

Here is what is true about me...This has been a long time coming. I have coached thousands of people from across the world and guided them to live the fullest expression of their lives while getting the results they were after. Time and time again, I yielded results, yet there was something still missing, something I wasn't embodying. 

 I have dealt with layer after layer of ignoring my intuitive guidance, my Feminine essence. On the outside, I looked feminine, and acted feminine, yet felt terrified every step of the way, never trusting myself or others and never fully letting go of the intense grip of fear that was limiting my life.

Being faced with constant tragedy, I asked God/Source for guidance, to show me what I was missing or reluctant to look at. I had to look inside myself and once and for all face this relentless fear and fall in love with all aspects of me fully unapologetically and it started with getting honest.

Honest with me, the acceptance was waiting.

Jessie Torres


If you still have questions, please click here to schedule a call to connect and discuss how I may best support you and ensure that we are a fit.

Let's Chat!

This is an investment in YOU.

This is the opportunity that you have been waiting for to finally heal and thrive. It is only $333 per month, enrollment is for 6 months so you will want to catch your spot now so you are locked in.

It is my honor to serve you and dedicate my time, energy, and years of experience, to your well-being so that you are able to live your best Feminine life, turned on & free.

I will make exclusive time just for you so spaces are limited. 

Register now as we fill up fast and we begin our first call on October 2nd. Our open enrollment will close 9/30 and you will have to wait for the next one in 6 months.

Yay!! I can't wait to connect with you!!

  •  NOTE: ONLY SERIOUS, COMMITTED SOULS!! Please bring your Openness, Vulnerability, Coachability and Commitment , there will be no refunds as we are super excited to hold you through to transformation and to the next level of your life! Whoop whoop!!!